November 2002 Meeting
The November GWAPA meeting was held Saturday Nov. 23 at the home of John Mangan. Alysoun was unable to attend so the meeting was presided over by VP Jack Smith.
There was some discussion of possible joint events with PVAS. Options discussed included field trips and sponsering a plant speaker at the next PVAS workshop. GWAPA will purchase a number of specimens of a plant, or plants, that will then be handed out to interested members at the next meeting. The people receiving the plant will keep careful track of the methods used in raising it and the results. All of these records will then be compiled and posted on the web site so comparisons can be made of how a given plant responds to different growing conditions.
Treasurer Pierre Gagne was unable to attend the meeting but he emailed a tresurers report to me stating we have $242 cash on hand.
The next meeting will be held on Jan. 25th. The site has not been finalized yet. If anyone would like to volunter please do so.
Elections – GWAPA elections will be held at the January meeting. If you are interested in running for an office (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary) let Alysoun or Jack (or me) know between now and the meeting date.
Dues – dues are due at the Jan. meeting. $12 per year.
John Mangan, GWAPA Recording Sec.