September 2002 Meeting
The Sept. GWAPA meeting was held Saturday, Sept. 28 at the home of Ghazanfar Ghori in Ashburn, VA.
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm by Vice President Jack Smith (President Alysoun McLaughlin was unable to attend since she was hosting visiting dignitaries – ie. she had relatives visiting). Pierre presented a brief Treasurers report stating that we had aprox. $300. The only expense since the last meeting was the purchase of a $20 gift certificate for the winner of the logo contest – Ivo Busko purchased the certificate. A more detailed report will be posted soon.
Ghazanfar Ghori is the winner of the logo contest. He was awarded a one year GWAPA membership, a $20 Aquarium Center gift certificate, and the privilage of having a bunch of strange people hang out in his house for an afternoon talking about plants.
GWAPA will have a table set up at the Potomac Valley Aq. Soc. (PVAS) workshop and auction Oct. 26 & 27 to promote GWAPA. Volunteers will be needed to man the table at various times throughout the weekend. We will also be accepting donations of plants to be put into the PVAS auction with procedes going to GWAPA. Now that we have a logo we will begin sending out letters to manufacturers requesting donations. This will be handled by John Mangan (unless someone else wants to volunteer).
Starting a Horticultural Award Program (HAP) was discussed. This will be discussed in further detail at future meeting after some research into other clubs rules for such programs. After some discussion the book loan program was tabled for now.
Ghazanfar talked about his tanks, plants, equipment, etc.
The meeting ended with an auction of many rare and unusual plants, sold at bargain prices.
The next meeting will take place Sat. Nov. 23rd at the home of John Mangan in Lake Ridge, VA
John Mangan, GWAPA Recording Sec.