Nov/Dec 2007 Meeting

Saturday, December 15th, 2007 at 4:51 pm

Viktor Gyorffy hosted the Nov/Dec 2007 meeting at his home in Montgomery Village, MD. Nearly two dozen members showed up, bringing food items and plants for our potluck and auction. Without an official meeting topic for our holiday party, we discussed the successful year GWAPA had in 2007, and talked a bit about the future.

GWAPA’s 2008 board of directors will consist of the following individuals:

President: Kris Weinhold
Vice President: Jeff Ucciardo
Treasurer: Sean Murphy
Corresponding Secretary: Dave Williams
Recording Secretary: Aaron Talbot

Kris Weinhold briefly talked about some of his upcoming goals for the club in 2008. We plan on having workshops at local fish shops, increase our cooperation with other area clubs, and maintain an interesting topic schedule for our meetings.

Viktor’s soil substrate, no-CO2 125 planted aquarium.

GWAPA members socializing.

Yum! Potlucks are fantastic!

Settling the auction debt, and hanging out.

New member, Cris, leaving with his auction loot.