September 2007 Meeting
Jeff Ucciardo hosted our September 2007 meeting at his home in Ellicot City, MD. Jeff maintains two nicely aquascaped aquariums, and is known in our club as the guy who doesn’t have algae problems. He shared one of his tricks for this at the meeting. Jeff described how to build a DIY auto-doser, which will stabilize fertilizers in a tank by dosing consistent amounts on a daily basis.
We held nominations for our 2008 board members. Additional nominations can be made on our forum. Elections will be next month. Please consider donating your talents to the club by helping to shape the direction that our club goes over the next year.
Also, our 2.5G aquascaping contest is winding down. Entries should all be in by October 1st, emailed to the gwapa email account or PM’d to ‘krisw’ on the forum. Also, Aquafest, the regional convention being hosted by local-area clubs has secured Eric Do as a speaker. Eric will talk about freshwater shrimp in planted aquariums. GWAPA will also demonstrate how to setup a planted aquascape. As the convention nears in October, we will be looking for volunteers to help out with the all-day auction.
Jeff’s 55G tank.
Jeff’s 29G tank.
A DIY Auto-doser
Jeff demonstrates how to construct the DIY auto-doser.
Everyone paying attention to Jeff’s instructions.
Jeff shows off the finished product.