December Meeting
Location: Annandale, VA
Description: Holiday Party Potluck & Auction
Start Time: 1:00 pm
Date: 12-01-2024
Location: Annandale, VA
Description: Holiday Party Potluck & Auction
Start Time: 1:00 pm
Date: 12-01-2024
After we enjoyed pizzas and other delicacies, our speaker, Becca, started her presentation. She talked about the different Dicrossus species and how to keep them. Then she went into details about breeding D. maculatus and D. filamentosus. Becca also mentioned the idea of Dicrossus changing sex. Following the presentation, we had an amazing auction.
About a dozen people visited Laurel for the September GWAPA meeting. Nick gave a talk about trimming plants in a planted aquarium. He showed off his aquascaping tools and explained the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. After describing his trimming process, which included cutting off every damaged or algae infested leaf and trimming the stems very close to the ground to enable them to create bushes, he trimmed the host’s 75 gallon tank. Once the plants were trimmed, Nick put a polishing filter in the tank to be used for about an hour only. Then he used a razor blade and melamine foam to clean the glass while intentionally stirring up the detritus for the filter to catch the particles.
More »See Francine Bethea's winning aquascape in GWAPA's 2011 Dutch-style Aquascaping Contest. Judging was by popular vote.
Lorena Rodriguez's 2.5G Aquarium Winner of GWAPA's 2007 2.5G Aquascaping Contest (Beginner Category)
Jeff Ucciardo 29 Gallon Filter: Filstar XP1 Substrate: Eco-Complete Dosing: Daily dosing of KNO3, PO4, K, 2ml Flourish, 1 ml Flourish Iron Lighting: 65 watts PC 9 hours, with an additional dual Coralife T-5s for 7 hours in the middle total 101 watts CO2 diffusion: Glass diffusor CO2: Azoo regulator, 5lb. tank Fauna: Harlquin radboras, neons, ottos, cherry and bee shrimp, nerite snails
Robert T Ricketts 55 Gallon Low-Maintenance Tank Substrate: Plenum based with mixed Estes' Nutmeg and Flourite Filtration: Two internal Eheims for mechanical filtration, plus a prefiltered external Eheim 2213 for bio. Lighting: 1-Two-tube strip light, 1 single-strip light. 12 hours/day. Plants: Val, Crinum, Anubias nana and a couple of other small nana cultivars, A. nana petite, Marimo balls, and Java Moss Fauna: school of glass cats, a school of Debaui cats, Otos, one male cherry Barb, Amano and Red Cherry shrimp, ramshorn and common pond snails.