February Meeting

Title: February Meeting
Location: 23701 Eli Lane, Gaithersburg, MD 20882
Description:  Corey Wickliffe will present Floating Plants: More Than Just Duckweed

Floating plants are more than just a plague of duckweed in our tanks! A huge variety of plants live on the water’s surface and are sneaking their way into our tank scapes. They provide nutritional export for algae fighting, texture in wabi kusa, hiding spots for small shrimp and baby fish. No duckweed required if you don’t want it!

Start Time: 13:00
Date: 2025-02-22

January Meeting

Title: January Meeting
Location: 5408 Port Royal Rd, Springfield, VA 22151-2300
Description: Join us for the first meeting of 2025!

Dive Headfirst into the Lush World of Planted Aquariums! by Nguyen Le.

This presentation will provide a comprehensive guide for beginners interested in setting up their own planted aquariums. It will cover essential aspects, from selecting the right equipment to establishing and maintain a thriving ecosystem.

About the Speaker:
Nguyen Le immersed himself in the world of bettas and guppies, breeding these captivating species as a hobbyist. Selling to local customers and shipping to enthusiasts out-of-state, Nguyen covered some breeding costs, fueled by a determination to take his love for aquatics to the next level. In a bold move, he sold all his aquariums, initiating Splashy Fish as a side hustle, and marking the beginning of a remarkable journey. Later on, Nguyen felt in love with aqua scaping and planted aquarium which inspired him to learn more about the aquatic garden.
Start Time: 13:00
Date: 2025-01-25

October Meeting Summary

After we enjoyed pizzas and other delicacies, our speaker, Becca, started her presentation. She talked about the different Dicrossus species and how to keep them. Then she went into details about breeding D. maculatus and D. filamentosus. Becca also mentioned the idea of Dicrossus changing sex. Following the presentation, we had an amazing auction.

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