June Meeting
Tim Koles will host our June 22th meeting at 1:00pm in Glen Dale, MD. This will be our annual picnic and we will not have a speaker. Come see the gardens and the pond and tubs. Guests are encouraged to stick around longer than usual as we will have a fire pit going in the evening.
May Meeting Summary
Over a dozen people showed up at the May GWAPA meeting. After enjoying some pizza and drinks, we watched Freshwater Illustrated’s new film, Hidden Rivers. This feature film explored the rivers and streams of the Southern Appalachian region, North America’s most biologically rich waters. The film followed the work of conservation biologists and explorers throughout the region, and revealed both the beauty and vulnerability of these ecosystems.
More »Featured Tank – Francine Bethea
See Francine Bethea's winning aquascape in GWAPA's 2011 Dutch-style Aquascaping Contest. Judging was by popular vote.
Featured Tank – Lorena Rodriguez
Lorena Rodriguez's 2.5G Aquarium Winner of GWAPA's 2007 2.5G Aquascaping Contest (Beginner Category)
Featured Tank – Jeff Ucciardo
Jeff Ucciardo 29 Gallon Filter: Filstar XP1 Substrate: Eco-Complete Dosing: Daily dosing of KNO3, PO4, K, 2ml Flourish, 1 ml Flourish Iron Lighting: 65 watts PC 9 hours, with an additional dual Coralife T-5s for 7 hours in the middle total 101 watts CO2 diffusion: Glass diffusor CO2: Azoo regulator, 5lb. tank Fauna: Harlquin radboras, neons, ottos, cherry and bee shrimp, nerite snails
Featured Tank – Robert T Ricketts
Robert T Ricketts 55 Gallon Low-Maintenance Tank Substrate: Plenum based with mixed Estes' Nutmeg and Flourite Filtration: Two internal Eheims for mechanical filtration, plus a prefiltered external Eheim 2213 for bio. Lighting: 1-Two-tube strip light, 1 single-strip light. 12 hours/day. Plants: Val, Crinum, Anubias nana and a couple of other small nana cultivars, A. nana petite, Marimo balls, and Java Moss Fauna: school of glass cats, a school of Debaui cats, Otos, one male cherry Barb, Amano and Red Cherry shrimp, ramshorn and common pond snails.