Posts Tagged ‘native fish’

May Meeting Summary

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024

Over a dozen people showed up at the May GWAPA meeting. After enjoying some pizza and drinks, we watched Freshwater Illustrated’s new film, Hidden Rivers. This feature film explored the rivers and streams of the Southern Appalachian region, North America’s most biologically rich waters. The film followed the work of conservation biologists and explorers throughout the region, and revealed both the beauty and vulnerability of these ecosystems.


May Meeting

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Viktor Gyorffy will host our May meeting on Saturday, May 18th at 1:00pm at his home in Gaithersburg, MD.  Our talk this month will be a screening of Freshwater Illustrated’s new film, Hidden Rivers.

Collecting Trip

Thursday, April 20th, 2023

GWAPA will explore Indian Run, Holmes Run, and Backlick Run for plants and a diverse collection of native fish. Jonathan Butkus will lead the expedition this Sunday, April 23rd, at 11:00 am in Alexandria, VA. If you wish to collect any fish, you must have a Virginia fishing license. This event is for GWAPA members only. More information can be found on the forum.