June 2016 Meeting
For the June 2016 meeting, eighteen to twenty GWAPA members descended on Nagesh’s house for the usual meeting activities: food, conversation, a presentation and a plant auction.
The speaker was Cara Wade who talked on algae in the planted aquarium. She discussed different types of algae, and how they evolved. Among the types she discussed were euglenoids, aka green water; diatoms, aka brown algae; cladophora, aka “the demon spawn;” compsopogon, aka staghorn algae; and coleochaete, aka green spot algae.
Here are some photos from the meeting. First, here are two photos of Nagesh’s aquarium:
Here are Nagesh and Cara in a discussion near the beginning of the meeting:
Some other GWAPA members in discussion:
Here is the opening slide of Cara’s presentation:
Our auctioneer, Ghazanfar Ghori, at work: