May 2007 Meeting
GWAPA’s May 2007 meeting at Ghazanfar Ghori’s house in Brambleton, VA had another fine turnout with 15-20 people. We had at least one new member show to this meeting – welcome!
Ghazanfar’s 215G tank.
This meeting didn’t have a specific meeting topic because there were many orders of business to take care of. For starters, our 2.5G Aquascaping Contest got underway when we handed out all of the tanks, equipment, and aquasoil to all participants. Ghazanfar also gave us an update from the board members’ recent meeting with CCA and PVAS about the upcoming aquarium festival this fall: AquaFest 2007. GWAPA will be bringing in a yet to be determine speaker to talk about aquatic plants. Other clubs will be bringing in speakers to talk about fish and other aquarium related topics. We also talked about little bit about GWAPA’s upcoming road trip to Florida to collect native plants/fish, and tour some of the aquarium-related facilities in the state. Finally, the meeting ended with another huge “mini” auction.
Angled view of the 215G tank.
Not only planted tanks, but vivariums too!
Yes, Ghazanfar does reefs too.
Ghazanfar has some crypts growing immersed.
Look at that tank!
Ghazanfar opens the meeting.
Everyone at attention, goods are being auctioned.
Yes, he’s that fast.
So proud, and he didn’t even grow it!
Continuing the auction…
Still auctioning…
The 2.5G aquascaping contest materials.
Ghazanfar demonstrates how he fishes Cherry shrimp out of his filter.