stem plants grow excessive roots?

Nutrients, fertilization, substrates etc
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Rick Dotson
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Post by Rick Dotson »

My stem plants seem to be growing excessive roots. The plants look healthy and are growing well, but the roots are coming out of most of the nodes on some plant types. Am I dosing to much of something? Anyone else heard of this?

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Cristy Keister
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Post by Cristy Keister »

It seems to happen in higher light conditions. I take it as a good sign that the plants are getting what they need.
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Post by Cory »

I have had this happen, ppl said check nitrates in the water column or stick a tablet under them. In my case, both times it has happened, probably the low nitrates are to blame. I wasn't dosing for different reasons.
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Ghazanfar Ghori
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Post by Ghazanfar Ghori »

Everytime it's happened to me its usually from
a lean water column. Me thinks the plant cannot
get enough nutrients from the leaves and starts
putting out roots in an effort to get more nutrients.
Ghazanfar Ghori

Rick Dotson
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Post by Rick Dotson »

I have been having trouble keeping enough nitrate(and probably everything else) in the water column. Usually at about 2ppm after a day or two. I have been dosing based on nitrate. Can I bump up nitrate to 7ppm without getting algae? I did bump up CO2 from about 8ppm to about 25ppm. I think I'll try to see if that helps. Anybody have any thoughts on dosing with PMDD?
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Ghazanfar Ghori
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Post by Ghazanfar Ghori »

If everything else is in balance, you can bump
up the nitrates without any major issues. Or
just dose a little daily - probably better than
dumping a whole lot in weekly.
Ghazanfar Ghori

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Post by jerseyjay »


What plants are we talking about ?

Rotala rotundifolia, Ludwigia repens etc are perfect example of excessive side roots. And guess what, there is "nothing" you can do. It is normal.

I looked closely at Amano books and found the same problem with above plants.
Jonathan Kalmes
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Post by Jonathan Kalmes »

I get the same thing off of many of my stem plants. I generally leave them until I think my catfish may get caught in them. Once they get to that point, I cut the plants in half, pull up the bottoms and replant the tops. After this the tank looks great... for about a week or two anyway.   <img border="0" src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0">
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