Mixing Ferts

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Mixing Ferts

Post by Tim_Koles »

So finally been able to start getting my tanks under control again and Im planning to start dosing the water column. I have done it before in some of my tanks and its definitely helpful depending on the plant combinations I have in them. Seachem has their Flourish line I have been using and they have a daily dosing chart with the amounts of their product to use. Some of the tanks are small so im basically doing a couple drops of each item. It gets tedious. Thinking of mixing up everything into single bottles in the correct ratio and by day. That way I can just grab that days bottle and do a combined drop amount. Anyone have any thoughts on this. My guess is that it would work for certain ferts but others should not be mixed together. I know that there is G's mix listed on the board and I could switch to that but the Seachem ones are ready to go and easier to play around with at the moment. Maybe in the long run.
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Re: Mixing Ferts

Post by krisw »

Definitely don't mix your phosphate into your iron or traces. In general, you can get down to two solutions, one for macros and one for micros. In terms of removing tediousness, I found using measured pump bottles very helpful. They typically deliver 1-2ml of solution per pump depending on the bottle you get. You'll need to clean the trace one every so often to clear out the gunk.
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Joined: Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:30 pm
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Re: Mixing Ferts

Post by Tim_Koles »

Ill probably end up doing exactly this assuming I can stay free enough to keep up with my tanks for awhile. Last night I used mixing jars with some tank water to mix everything into instead of walking around with the bottle and a dropper. As usual just playing around whenever I have time to.
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