Acrylic Cube DIY Poll

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Acrylic Cube DIY Poll

Post by Aaron »

I need a show of hands interested in the DIY 12" Acrylic Cube project I've been researching. I talked to Rick on saturday and he agreed that GWAPA could fund 50% of the project and the participants would be responsible for the remaining 50% of the costs.

Please vote on the following items only if you are interested in participating:

1. Do we want to still incorporate a false back sump system?
a. If so what color backround, blue or black?

2. If you want to just build regular cubes do you want the backround to be clear, blue, or black?

Obviously the cost of building just regular cubes is a little lower, but it's not terribly significant so please don't let cost be your only deciding factor.

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Cristy Keister
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Post by Cristy Keister »

I vote Yes to the false back sump - black back, please.

If we go with just a cube I'd like the back to be clear.
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Larry Grenier
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Post by Larry Grenier »

Larry Grenier,
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Post by krisw »

I vote Yes to the false "black" backed sump.

Larry, the 12" cube is $40 on that website, which with shipping would be pretty close to the cost of these for just the tank. It's good to get a confirmation that the price Aaron has worked hard to figure out is in the right ballpark.

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Post by dmartin72 »

I vote for the black back sump.
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Post by rodcon00 »

I vote for the black back sump and I am willing to pony up money (50% me 50% GWAPA) for at least one of the cubes. 8)

As far as Glass Cages they actually make the rounds of the home shows etc and would be able to deliver in Manassas VA (Delivery Only) 6/4/2005-6/5/2005 and Manassas VA (Delivery Only) 8/20/2005 8/20/2005 and Washington DC (Fish Show) 9/9/2005 9/10/2005. They do charge a little more for delivering at a show.

This is an interesting company I got to see them deliver tanks to a bunch of folks attending the NEC event last month in Hartford, CT. I think they have found a good market for the fish tanks and reptile houses.
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Post by gnatster »

The idea behind building the acrylic ones ourselves is a learning exercise for the group. There may be less expensive methods of acquiring such a tank but nothing like the feeling off accomplishment learning to build your own.

Aaron, remind us please, what’s the proposed cost for 10 of us to build one?
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Post by Aaron »


It had worked out for the materials to build the false back / black sump tank to be about $50.00 a tank. Cut that in half and you're looking at $25.00 - $30.00 most likely.

If there is enough interest I will also look into working out a DIY lighting system on the cheap also. :)

So far I'm hearing false black back sump.

I vote for that also! Nice to know we have some other ambitious members.

Larry, Nathan's comment is right on. DIY is often not cheaper; especially when it comes to working with acrylic. The reason for the project is primarily a learning experience and also a chance to bond as a club.
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Post by SCMurphy »

Aaron wrote: The reason for the project is primarily a learning experience and also a chance to bond as a club.
OK, I'm NOT shaking anyone's hand if it's covered in glue. :mrgreen:

Ghazanfar hasn't spoken up yet but since it was his idea I think you might want to count him as in.

Count me as in as well, might as well get some practice in.
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Post by Aaron »

So far I have:


and Rick and Robert both expressed interest at the workshop saturday. So that makes 9-10 people. That should be enough interest, but we could take a couple more. Any more takers?
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