April Meeting

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April Meeting

Post by halak »

I am bringing:
- Marsilea quadrifolia
- Pogostemon stellatus

and possibly some dwarf cichlids, but I will post that in the flea market section.
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Re: April Meeting

Post by chris_todd »

halak wrote:and possibly some dwarf cichlids, but I will post that in the flea market section.
Oh, dang, am I going to regret not being able to make it to this meeting? I love dwarf cichlids...
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Post by PaulS »

Unfortunately, I can't make it to this month's meeting.
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Post by mab »

This is one meeting I will make!! I need to purchase some plants for the 110g. I'm going to stock this with fish from my most recent Amazon collecting trip.

Is there any interest amongst members to travel to Reston after the meeting to help me scape this tank? Might be an opportunity to put into practice what is being learned in this workshop series.

I have two large Manzanita root balls that are going to be the focal point plus I have one Amazon sword that just happened to find its way into my suitcase. Otherwise, I'm open to suggestions.

The fish-room fridge is stocked with beer. I purchased pretzels while visiting Lancaster. So I'm offering pretzels and beer. And, if things go late I can always order some pizzas. Obviously, the fish-room will be open for visits, too.


Member of GWAPA, CCA and PVAS plus American Begonia Society and Potomac Branch. Former PVAS President (twice) and Treasurer since 2015. Check out GoWildPeru on the web and FB for Peruvian Rain to Cloud Forest Tropical Fish and 'Plant' collecting trips.
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Post by Ltrepeter2000 »

If anyone wants some pumpkin seedlings let me know. I dropped our pumpkins from last year back in the garden and so now I have over a hundred seedlings coming up in one spot. Send me a PM if you want some so I know what to bring to the meeting.

Robert Peterson
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Post by Ghazanfar Ghori »

Ltrepeter2000 wrote:If anyone wants some pumpkin seedlings let me know. I dropped our pumpkins from last year back in the garden and so now I have over a hundred seedlings coming up in one spot. Send me a PM if you want some so I know what to bring to the meeting.

Lol! Foreground plant?
Ghazanfar Ghori

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Post by Judi »

Ghazanfar Ghori wrote: Lol! Foreground plant?
Nano plant! :lol:
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Post by Ltrepeter2000 »

Not so nano. Not even at this stage.....Think LARGE Bacopa leaves at this point. Figured with everyone that has gardens or a place that they can plant and forget it there might be some people that want it.
Robert Peterson
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Post by chris_todd »

Oh, double dang! An opportunity to see your fish room, new Amazonian acquisitions, and provide whatever lame input I could into your aquascaping efforts is something I'd rather not miss. Hmmm, I may have to try and make this meeting after all.
mab wrote:This is one meeting I will make!! I need to purchase some plants for the 110g. I'm going to stock this with fish from my most recent Amazon collecting trip.

Is there any interest amongst members to travel to Reston after the meeting to help me scape this tank? Might be an opportunity to put into practice what is being learned in this workshop series.

I have two large Manzanita root balls that are going to be the focal point plus I have one Amazon sword that just happened to find its way into my suitcase. Otherwise, I'm open to suggestions.

The fish-room fridge is stocked with beer. I purchased pretzels while visiting Lancaster. So I'm offering pretzels and beer. And, if things go late I can always order some pizzas. Obviously, the fish-room will be open for visits, too.


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Post by ddavila06 »

i have kribs if anyone is interested...i want to come so bad :mrgreen: that will be my excuse!
Damian Davila
"Fishes-up, chill, Plants too"
"so many plants, so little space!"
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