Crystal Reds and Nitrate

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Crystal Reds and Nitrate

Post by jcali10 »

Since CRS are said to be sensitive to nitrate levels. I tested my CRS tank the other day and the NO3 was at approx. 10 ppm, so I did a 30% PWC. Since the only inhabitants of my 10G CRS tank is 10 shrimp and some plants, I decided to test my tap water, which I have never done before and it tested out at 5 ppm for NO3.

I'm guessing 10 ppm or less of NO3 should be okay. I've been seeing some exoskeletons on the substrate. I guess that means they are growing.
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Post by chris_todd »

My tap water has always tested 10 ppm or higher for nitrates. Interesting, given we're both on Baltimore City water, and live a mile apart. I'd be interested to know what Judi's and Marge's nitrate levels are in their tap water. Of course, that also assumes my test kit is accurate.

Sensitivity to nitrate would explain (in part) why I only have 2 CRS left. I had rescued four from the discus tank and put them in my nano, but I've been having ammonia and nitrate problems in that tank (I blame the amazonia, which I will never use again).
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Post by jcali10 »

I never tested my test kit, and I don't know how accurate those things are. I have an API test kit which is pretty standard for most hobbyists. I suppose I could mix up some KNO3 to test the test kit, but I have never been that motivated. I guess that means I'm a little lazy.

I had the same issue with my ADA AquaSoil last year, the stuff I received for the Nano contest. I had no idea the stuff put out so much ammonia, I bought some endlers from Viktor and I decided to test the water first, and it was off the chart high. Had to dump them in my 20G instead. Apparently the ammonia is great for plants though.
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