75 Journal

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75 Journal

Post by ddavila06 »

howdy :D this 75 is what i usually call my "mom's" hehhe. i happen to live in the same building and i originally kept a 40 breeder with my turtles when i lived there about 5 years ago. about 6 months ago i set up a 75 for her that is more prepared that other tanks i had in the past. the right substrate : flora max with eco complete in the top, the right and carefull selection of fish, sufficiend assortment of rocks and wood decorations, etc etc
a bunch of fish that include a pair of long-fin golden angelfish, two ancistrus plecos, two albino bushynose plecos, about 6 bolivian rams, a trio of kribensis, about 6-7 aeneus cory cats, two siamese algea eaters that i have been trying to take out for the past two weeks or so :x a few misc tetras and that should be it.
plants list is been growing and i know i have plenty unidentified, but i will give it a try: large anubia barterii, anubia nana "petite", anubia afzelii, common java fern, "trident" java fern, "windelow" java fern, hygrophila polisperma, hygrophila sp. (similar to polisperma but the leaves stay all red or green, depends on the light), hygrophila corymbosa "angustifolia", amazon sword, crypt wentii "green gecko", crypt wentii "golden", crypt wentii sp., crypt becketii, my 30 inch crypt ciliata, crypt usteriana, crypt pontederifolia, vallisneria americana (30 or so inch vals), red lotus, and a few unidentified or suddently forgotten ones :wink:
Lighting: recently,actually two weeks ago, i ordered a triple solar T5 from Catalina Aquariums and i love it! uses two 65k and one plant growth bulb. i don't necessarily like the color of those spectrums, but is nicer that what i had :wink: . when i replace the bulbs i will try a 10k with the other two.

well, if you made it this far, thanks for reading and from now on i can keep some updates on my mom's 75 :D
left side
left side
069.JPG (149.1 KiB) Viewed 97584 times
right side
right side
070.JPG (149.18 KiB) Viewed 97584 times
the whole thing
the whole thing
068.JPG (147.62 KiB) Viewed 97584 times
Damian Davila
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Post by fredyk »

Very nice looking angels; plants too!
Mark Harnet
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Post by ddavila06 »

hey thanks! i had many angels before and these guys are the ones that lay eggs on the large anubia i have on the left side of the aquarium :D had them for like two years now
Damian Davila
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Post by fredyk »

Very nice. Isn't it amazing how gold angels have proliferated in the hobby?!
Mark Harnet
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Post by ddavila06 »

yes it is :D angels sure are one of my very most favorite fish, actually thats what i had before i even thouched a live plant...and thats how it begins :wink:
Damian Davila
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Post by ddavila06 »

ok, so i had a lot of success this year with anubias flowering for me. im a big fan of them but never had flowers before, here is a huge flower at my parent's place. the 75 is going well but is kind of messy to take other shots :roll:
from above, since the water level is a few inches low
from above, since the water level is a few inches low
014.JPG (150.49 KiB) Viewed 97488 times
the whole plant
the whole plant
016.JPG (161.35 KiB) Viewed 97488 times
Damian Davila
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Post by ingg »

Glad to see the Usteriana Red is going well for you! Don't lose that one, that is a rare one that needs to be in the club - only fit for some unique applications in big tanks, but MAN it is one beautfiful plant!
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Post by ddavila06 »

yes, i came up to be a very easy plant to grow, no flowers yet but plenty of plant daughters. im bringing one to the meeting :mrgreen:
Damian Davila
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Post by ddavila06 »

ok, so a brief update in the tank since i had a flowers boom again :mrgreen: also a few quick pics of the tank re-make i did a few months back

also, dont pay attention to the white piece cut off in the first pic, lol, i was trying to put my name into the pic and did it the wrong way :roll:
Aponogeton flower 4.JPG (65.77 KiB) Viewed 97423 times
yesterday afternoon after the meeting
yesterday afternoon after the meeting
Aponogeton flower 3.JPG (53.77 KiB) Viewed 97423 times
yesterday around midday
yesterday around midday
Aponogeton flower 2.JPG (39.14 KiB) Viewed 97423 times
yesterday morning sometime
yesterday morning sometime
Aponogeton Flower 1.JPG (92.03 KiB) Viewed 97423 times
the plant whose flower is out there, what is it?
the plant whose flower is out there, what is it?
Aponogeton sp.JPG (88.8 KiB) Viewed 97423 times
Damian Davila
"Fishes-up, chill, Plants too"
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Post by ddavila06 »

more pics

new plant list include:

echinodorus midefleur (spelling), tricolor, jaguar, and red devil and dwarf chain or soemthing, e. aflame
aponogeton sp.?
crypt walkerii, usteriana, green wendtii, and parva (finally filling up left front side!!! yay)
java fern "narrow, trident, and regular" growing around/under the usteriana in the middle.
lotus green & red, dwarf sag, anubias nana petite, higrophila corymbosa angustifolia, langenandra something something pink that is coming back, maybe a few others i dont remember right now :D

fish list is bigger too:
pair of butterfly goodeids, more baby cribs, group of mixed tetras, the golden angels still around, more plecos albino and reg. bushinose, and the same clown loaches from before

someday i will get better at taking pics :roll:
usteriana flower all the way out while waterchanging a few weeks back
usteriana flower all the way out while waterchanging a few weeks back
Crypt Usteriana Flower 3.JPG (110.09 KiB) Viewed 97421 times
same flower
same flower
Crypt Usteriana Flower 2.JPG (64.03 KiB) Viewed 97421 times
from the end-crib's love nest around there :D
from the end-crib's love nest around there :D
may 2010 end right side.JPG (170.94 KiB) Viewed 97421 times
left side
left side
may 2010 left.JPG (198.33 KiB) Viewed 97421 times
quick-y whole tank shot
quick-y whole tank shot
may 2010 whole tank.JPG (120.14 KiB) Viewed 97421 times
Damian Davila
"Fishes-up, chill, Plants too"
"so many plants, so little space!"
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