okay... let me try to start this out right. there has been great debate about whether assassin snails will eat or attack healthy shrimp. before today, I was not even closed to convinced. I AM NOW!!! I only hope you guys know me well enough to know that I am not one for posting unfounded crap.
I am very sorry. I am sorry because, I do not have my friggin' digital camera. a couple of monts ago... whenever it was Dallas played Pittsburgh in the NFL, I left it over some friends house that week, and never went and got it yet. so what I am about to say, I sadly have no photo of, to support the claim. because of this, I understand that from a scientific standpoint, it will only be counted, once again, as mere speculation. so be it.
one of the things I hold a lot of value to in this hobby is passing on information so others may learn, and also build on discoveries and move forward.
okay. I think I have the "disclaimers" covered. now, for the shocking development.
I came home tonight, and was standing in front of my 33 gallon tank, in which, I have assassin snails. I do not see them terribly often, so as I am standing there talking to my son and my oldest daughter, I happen to notice an assassin on the glass. as I take a closer look, I come to a cool realization... it is attacking a pond snail! COOL! excited by FINALLY getting a chance to witness this, I creep in for a closer look, along with the kids. sure enough, the assassin was at work, taking down it's prey.
and then the astonishing happened.
I am watching in amusement, as I notice a dark green shrimp... an ADULT dark green shrimp... approach the assassin snail, as it is in the midst of it's pond snail kill. soon, my amusement turned to horror and shock, as suddenly, out of nowhere... somehow... the assassin managed to quickly snag the shrimp! HOLY COW... OMG... WTF!!!???
the snail struggled, but could not free itself. then, the assassin let go of the glass, and fell to the floor of the aquarium, with the snagged shrimp in tow. fascinated, I could not stop watching this struggle. the shrimp struggled more to try to escaped, but it was firmly in the grasp of the snail, and finally gave away it's final death throes. MY ASSASSIN SNAIL TOOK DOWN AN ADULT DARK GREEN SHRIMP!!!
once the shrimp ceased it's struggle, the snail began consuming it.
I want to make something very clear right now. to me, it seemed obvious that the snail did not hunt, or attempt to hunt, the shrimp. however, the shrimp got too close, and the snail seemed to recognize another meal opportunity. I mean, it literally ignored the pond snail, and suddenly attacked the shrimp. I could not believe it.
this issue has been of great debate on other forums. I know I am not a senior member here, and no one really knows aobut me. I am not confused with what I saw. I was in awe. I was shocked, because I was on the othe side of the debate that the snails simply will not bother shrimp.
I was wrong. that snail took down a healthy, adult, dark green shrimp. it did not literally hunt it... but when the opportunity presented itself, it struck with blinding speed, and took it down.
I just had to make this known. I know there will still be those of you who do not believe this, and I respect that. I am just fulfilling my obligation of spreading information that I have observed about a species... especially a new species... in this hobby. take it for what you will. I know I will not doubt another person who says they have witnessed this again.
P.S. in order to post this account on multiple forums, I copied and pasted much of it, with some tweaks here and there. just putting it out there for those who are in multiple forums, and might see this story there. I just didn't want to type the whole thing over a million times, so I tried to just tweak the top part a little, based on the forum I posted it on. just fyi.
yes... they are. I do not think the assassins actively hunt the shrimp. I think that shrimp was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time. the pond snails are much easier for the assassins to catch. my cherry and dark green population is very solid, so I am not worried right now.
I'll monitor and see what happens though... and of course, update anything further I find.
I'll monitor and see what happens though... and of course, update anything further I find.
well, I will make a meeting, but likely, not until April's. that said, my dark greens are not prolific enough for me to share yet... but when they get there, I will surely bring them to auction. promise!
my dark green species are caridinia species... not neo caridina. so they will not interbreed.
well, I will make a meeting, but likely, not until April's. that said, my dark greens are not prolific enough for me to share yet... but when they get there, I will surely bring them to auction. promise!
my dark green species are caridinia species... not neo caridina. so they will not interbreed.
There's a nice image here: http://forums.loaches.com/viewtopic.php?t=12094
Is that what you've got, Rich?
Is that what you've got, Rich?
Dan Please, spay/neuter your Platys.