Rasbora help please!

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Rasbora help please!

Post by JMLenke »

awww damnit....

Looks like I may have big problem..

Watching the 20g tonight, I noticed that 2 of the glowlight rasboras are looking very emaciated, and are having trouble swimming.

I had noticed that fish were "missing" before the move but figured they were buried in the moss or whatever..

Here is the symptoms I can see:

emaciated (appearing starved even though they are eating)
bleached colors
trouble swimming(able to stay stationary but eventually they start to tip over like they are drunk.

no visible signs of fungus, no pop eye or rubbing.

The 3 oto's in the tank are fine, the bolivian in the tank is fine and so is the adult Bristlenose.

Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, are all testing very low (I suck at matching colors tbh but I can tell that it is low).

I am worried that this may be an internal parasite and not a tank issue, if that is the case, I will soon have a bunch of dead galaxies as well due to 1 Glowlight being in that tank too.

Im gonna rip the 15h apart to try to see what the galaxies look like, I saw them earlier and they were feeding but I am more then a little concerned now.

Any ideas on what to treat for given the description, or should I just let the Glowlights die out and see if the Espei-like ras's get it as well?
The other Jeff

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Post by JMLenke »

crap... looking up the general description gives me three meds that are all highly toxic to inverts.

The other Jeff

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Post by JMLenke »


general recommendation from what I can see.

Problem is that I dont really want to buy a med for a maybe. The link is for what is used to treat wasting in clown loaches it seems. I have 0 loaches.
The other Jeff

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Post by JMLenke »

well the 15h seems free of it from what I can tell by using a single LED bulbed cheapo flashlight and chasing small fish around a bunch of plants I cant yank (grown into the cork on the back wall).

The single glowlight in the tank appears very healthy so maybe I will get lucky there (and now I cursed myself).
The other Jeff

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Post by JMLenke »

back to the top for the day star folks.
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Post by Aaron »

Sorry man. I know zilch about fish diseases. That's a lot of the reason I got into keeping plants. I heard that they promoted healthier fish. Now I'm more into them than the fish. :D
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Post by sherrymitchell »

Can you net them out and isolate them? How old are the affected fish? Could it be old age? Or could it be that they are getting bullied and not able to get to the food?

Did you check the temp of the tank? Sometimes in a move the heater gets knocked and temp is too high or low.... it's worth a check.

I would isolate, if possible. What meds do you have on hand?
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Post by JMLenke »

not getting bullied by anybody in the tank because until I added the one eyed batch of espei like ras (multiple types, ill have to sit down and ID them all), the glowlights were the only fish in the tank that was a top swimmer.

The bolivian has given up on chasing them, the otos jsut keep to themselves elsewhere in the tank and the bristlenose pokes his head out occasionally but otherwise hides amongst the plants.

I am going to try to net any that look bad and just euthanize them.

I would rather eliminate the entire remaining batch(approx 4-6 appear healthy) and save the tank.
The other Jeff

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Post by JMLenke »

well pulled ALL the glowlights last night (all have varying degrees of issues when I looked at them), hopefully it has NOT spread to the Espei like Rasboras I added on Saturday.

*Espei like because !I! cant tell the difference between Espei, Harlequin, porkchop and whatever else looks exactly the same.
The other Jeff

Master of growing algae and getting better at plants
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