Want to get your Praecox in the mood to spawn?
I am testing an idea on the 55, I just redid the Eheim with new tubes and a bit of diy for the outlet, I replaced the floss with a bunch of Sphagnum moss.
Almost immediately the 2 males I have started a small war and in between they are trying to drive the females into the moss.
Maybe a coincidence, but just an FYI.
Hey Praecox owners
Hey Praecox owners
The other Jeff
Master of growing algae and getting better at plants
Master of growing algae and getting better at plants
A couple of years ago, I put a group of 5-6 individuals into a 20 gallon long that had a hang on filter and some floating plants. I removed the adults two weeks later and waited for the eggs to hatch during which time I did not perform any water changes. I ended up with a bunch of fry that I managed to raise to adulthood. I didn't try to change the pH, which was probably around 7, or any other water parameter. I believe it's very easy to breed and raise them.
Last edited by halak on Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It is very easy to breed and raise them. I would say the question is how to get them out of the mood to spawn. They do prefer the beginning of the light cycle in general. But do any change in the tank - water, re-planting, feeding, and after things settle down a few minutes it is "Lets GO!"
Where's the fish? Neptune
I know they are easy to get to spawn, I was just suprised at how quick they were to try to spawn when I hooked the eheim up..
found my first moving victim, the female montezuma died... Oh well they didnt want to breed anyways, the male totally ignored her.
found my first moving victim, the female montezuma died... Oh well they didnt want to breed anyways, the male totally ignored her.
The other Jeff
Master of growing algae and getting better at plants
Master of growing algae and getting better at plants