Second version - dual chamber CO2 reactor

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Second version - dual chamber CO2 reactor

Post by ingg »

Missing the out tubes, obviously, I have to get some 1 1/2" 90's.

Found some connections, so now have 1" pipe minimum coming out of the Mag pump.

Got 1 1/2" couplers for both top and bottom, so it can be easily removed for the hopefully never needed cleaning. I'll right angle into the top, and have a spot there to be able to plumb in a co2 line down the road along with a ball valve.

90 out from the bottom, ball valve, then the MAG pump.

This is still all 3" pipe size, so that is a good amount of water volume in that little diamond - and I can make the pipe "legs" longer if I want, just used the couplers from the first setup to get an idea of how it'd work.


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Ghazanfar Ghori
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Post by Ghazanfar Ghori »

Nice! Good clean design that I think should work. Not exactly what I was thinking
but this looks good.
Posts: 2418
Joined: Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:29 am

Post by ingg »

Yah, you were probably thinking 2 45 degree turns and vertical pipes instead of the 90 degree turn in the middle... I'm thinking it too, hehe, may be a V3.
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