My violet was used as a fun toy, dragged out of its pot and all across two rooms of carpet before finding its way (with help) to the cavern under the couch where all the rest of the now-boring cat toys wind up. After following the trail of potting soil and a few choice words, it was rescued and sent to the plant spa at mother's house. It is recovering nicely and has almost forgotten about the traumatic event, I've been told.
Transporting more "toys" to the meeting shouldn't be a problem. I will make sure to pick them up and *not* bring them into the house to be tortured.
Now... about my fee... I think I will require a sample of a certain crypt culture that I was outbid on twice at the last meeting. Yes, that should be sufficient.

And Viktor... don't you dare say things like that unless you mean them! I WILL show up with a cat for you. Or two or three... pick a color, any color...