tank backgrounds IN the tank.. (yes Jeff is thinking again.)

Why buy when you can DIY?
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Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2008 9:49 pm
Location: Alexandria, VA

Post by pmk00001 »

Check this out if when you next get a chance to do it.

Posts: 294
Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:28 pm
Real Name: Corey W
Location: Northern VA

Post by kerokero »

These types of backgrounds made it into the frog world as well (if it works in a fish tank, it should work in a frog tank!). I've been thinking about making my own removable backgrounds making fake rock from cements/grout over styro peices... much lighter than real rock and you have more control to make hides and what not.

I, and a few other froggers, are starting to be leary of the GS backgrounds. As interesting as they have been in frog tanks, there are a couple worried... you need to use the right kind, it's a pain to work with (it does not come off hands for example and gets everywhere) and is not easy to remove. Another concern is that it's a petroleum based product that will break down... many frog tanks made with this have not been set up for 5 years yet, but some people are begining to wonder what the stuff will leach after a few years... I just don't imagine it being good for fish! The cement/grout idea takes a bit more prep to make sure to leach the stuff so it becomes inert, but after that it's proven to be long lasting, look more natural, and plants love the texture.
Best, Corey
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