March Meeting

News & upcoming events
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Post by Ltrepeter2000 »

I will be there, Dave Williams also just had his Thomasi spawn again, so he may have more here in a few days.
Robert Peterson
"Mr. Sarcastic"

The work will wait while you show a child a rainbow,
but the rainbow wont wait while you do the work

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Post by DelawareJim »

Thanks Viktor. I guess we'll just have to wait 'til next month for our AC/AD stop.

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Post by SCMurphy »

For those fans of mine disappointed by the content or format of my 1000'th post I apologize, I'm lucky I was able to focus enough to drag myself upright this last weekend and start this <cough> this <cough><hack> this thread. <cough> <cough> <clearing throat> <sniffle>

In case there is any confusion (I know it can happen) the Meeting is on the 24th. It sounds like there will be a round robin discussion of emersed growth setups which are sure to include the Navarro method, the Modified Bastmeijer method, the Kettner method, the Don't Try This method, the DJ method, and what ever other method is brought to the table.

We will be talking about the upcoming NanoScape 2007 and may have some ADA stuff to show around. A short talk about the crypts from my trip to Europe will also be provided for anyone wondering about the relationship between the GWAPA meeting dates and the onset of really nice outdoor weather. Luckily, if you need a nap before the meeting, you can rush on over to the main website and read the long and involved travelog about the trip any time insomnia strikes. (you all need your rest now)

Snacks will be provided, probably those chicken wings again as you guys seemed to like them. (I'll have to get some early this time)

All details are or will be provided on the main website, as per usual, thanks to the top notch WebMaster we have. People better start appreciating him more, he deserves it, right Bill, er, Kris, yeah,,,, Kris. Everyone better give him a pat on the back at the meeting, just not all at the same time, ok.

Please note that the Club's monthly auction will be held after nap time, bring your dollar bills, buy some of Aaron's super rare plants at super cheap prices. Auction rules: bid early and often, no whining permitted; pay for what (Fransisco lets) you buy; aquarium plants, fish, and aquarium equipment permitted for sale in the auction; use good bags, we have them for sale if you need them. Unruly behavior during the auction will result in the curb treatment; you will be sitting on one wondering how you got there.

Encourage new folks to come to the meeting so we can scare them away good and proper. None of this lame, anonymous, long distance, Internet flaming business about "try using Search, yah newbie" Nah, we want 'em runnin' home skered but good by yer ugly mugs. That way, the ones that stick are worth keeping.

Any questions, The Prez will answer them, with my oversite, and review by my wife.

See you all there!
"したくさ" Sean

Aquascape? I'm a crypt farmer.

If you've got bait, I've got wasabi!

I wish I could be like Mr. Sarcastic when I grow up! ;)
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Post by krisw »

What a fine post, Sean! Well worth the 1003 mark! I especially liked that part in the middle about that webmaster fellow. Now, if only he'd stop slacking and post the March meeting's info and directions on the website! :wink:
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Post by SCMurphy »

<crickets chirping>

Kris I may have just culled the club down to the last two members. :lol:

Don't forget the part about where to park at my house when you get the directions up.
"したくさ" Sean

Aquascape? I'm a crypt farmer.

If you've got bait, I've got wasabi!

I wish I could be like Mr. Sarcastic when I grow up! ;)
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Post by krisw »

The directions are posted up on the website. Sean, feel free to look them over, and send me any corrections. Should be a great meeting!
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Post by gnatster »

I'll be there in spirit, but I'll physically be wringing a Mini around Spring Hill's 2.2 mile road course in Pahrump NV.

I always enjoyed meetings at Sean's. Great turnouts, well not this time since he scared everyone off, interesting tanks and seemingly always something new. So everyone should go and enjoy a wing or two.
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Post by DelawareJim »

Well, It'll just be me this month.

DVAGA was postponed til this Saturday because of the weather. Donna is going to DVAGA, Tom is taking a bye as he's got a lot of house work to do.

Also, since AC/AD is temporarily closed, what are the good LFS's to visit near Sean's?

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Cristy Keister
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Post by Cristy Keister »

I think I'll be able to make the meeting

Jim, if you haven't yet been to Scales you should drop by!
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Post by John G »

In Sean's area, I like Congressional Aquarium. See them at
John Godbey
Springfield, VA
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