Aquatic Plant Potting Soil Recipe

By Sherry Mitchell

Sherry Mitchell maintains a beautiful 2000 gallon pond with several varieties of water lilies. To pot her lilies, and other aquatic plants, Sherry uses this recipe to meet their nutrition requirements.


  • Osmocote Time Release Fertilizer
  • One Part Heavy Garden Compost or Topsoil (no peat!)
  • One Part Walmart Red Bag Plain Kitty Litter
  • Gravel


  1. Put fertilizer in bottom of planting pot.
  2. Layer garden compost.
  3. Plant aquatic plants.
  4. Top with a layer of kitty litter.
  5. Wet with water
  6. Top with gravel.
  7. Slowly sink to desired level in pond or water garden.

For more information on Sherry garden and pond, please see our June 2009 meeting notes.

June 2009: Sherry Mitchell's Pond

Sherry Mitchell's Pond