January 2016 Meeting
The January, 2016, GWAPA meeting was held at Joshua Wiegert’s house, aka Batfish Aquatics. In spite of the snowy roads about 25 members attended.
Joshua gave a talk on Loricariids, titled “Plecos Suck.” His talk aimed at indicating which are appropriate for planted aquariums, and which are not. Among those that are suited for most planted tanks are Purple Pleco, the Otocinclus, Twig Cats, and the Whiptail Cats. These are all algae eaters, and will not destroy your plants. On the other hand the Inspector Pleco and the Royal Pleco are poor algae eaters. Bushy Nose Plecos are a good size, and eat algae, but they also eat wood.
There was the usual chance to meet and talk to other members; there was food to eat; and an auction. Here are a few photos from the meeting:
Our Exalted Leader calls the meeting to order:
Joshua giving his talk on Loricariids:
One of Joshua’s aquariums:
Some of his wall art:
A small part of his aquariums in his basement: