Holiday Potluck 2013
GWAPA’s annual Holiday Potluck was hosted by Nagesh Kanvinde in Annandale, Virginia on December 1. There was no speaker or planned topic, but plenty of good food and conversation, and the chance to view Nagesh’s lovely tanks (one planted, one reef). The winners of our yearly aquascaping contest were announced, and next year’s board elected. Members who participated in the Brightwell Aquatics group order through the local store Quantum Reefs also picked up their orders. Our usual mini-auction was held as well.
First place winner in the Beginner category of our aquascaping contest was eight year old Alexander Weis; second place went to Andrey Kalinin. First place in the Advanced category went to Jen Williams; second place to Julie Weis. Congratulations to the winners!
The tanks can be viewed on the forum:
The board for 2014 consists of:
President: Kris Weinhold
Vice President: Viktor Gyorffy
Treasurer: Cristy Keister
Recording Secretary: Judi Hammett
Members at Large: Arlene Wagner, Eugen Leontie
The position for Corresponding Secretary has not yet been filled. Please let a board member know if you would be interested in this position. The Corresponding Secretary is responsible for promoting the club at local stores and vendors, as well as organizing group orders and contacting manufacturers to obtain donations for raffle items.
Our annual member survey will be appearing on the forum soon. Please take a few minutes to respond, and help the board plan for the next year.
GWAPA will be hosting the next Aquatic Gardeners Association Convention, in April 2015. This is a very big event, and we will need help from the membership to make it a success. In coming months the board will be seeking members to join the conference committee. Keep an eye on the forum for details, and please contact the board if you have any suggestions or expertise you can offer.