Holiday Potluck 2012
John Godbey hosted GWAPA’s annual holiday potluck at his home in Springfield, Virginia on December 1. There was no speaker or planned topic, but lots of good food and conversation, and a few items of club business to attend to.
Jen Williams is stepping down after two years as President (in addition to two years on the board prior to that). Arlene Wagner will also step down after two years of serving as Corresponding Secretary. A big thanks to both of them for all the work they have done for the club!
The board for next year was “voted” in (with everyone running unopposed, there was no formal vote):
President: Kris Weinhold
Vice President: Viktor Gyorffy
Corresponding Secretary: John Godbey
Recording Secretary: Judi Hammett
Treasurer: Cristy Keister
There are plans to add several “At Large” positions to the GWAPA board. These positions would provide the opportunity for more members provide input and share in the responsibilities of running the club, without having to take on a full board position. The club’s bylaws will need to be amended to add these positions, which will be discussed at the next board meeting. A special election to will be held to elect the At-Large members.
A year-end member survey will be coming soon on the forum. Please respond so you can help determine what direction GWAPA takes in the next year. The board reviews all responses to help plan speakers and events.
There has been some discussion of GWAPA hosting the Aquatic Gardeners Association convention in 2014 or 2016, which would require a large number of volunteers. GWAPA and other area clubs PVAS and CCA may also host another Aquafest in October 2013. If you are able to help with either of these events, please let the board know.
The winners of our Annual Aquascaping contest were announced:
First Place, Beginner Category: Julie Weis
Second Place, Beginner Category: Arlene Wagner
First Place, Experienced Category: Kris Weinhold
Second Place, Experienced Category: Jen Williams
There were a total of 11 tanks entered in this year’s contest, the theme of which was Nature Aquarium Style. Winner was chosen by popular vote, with the voting in the Beginner category being extremely close. Congratulations to the winners! Pictures of all the entries can be seen on the forum:
We had our usual mini auction. In addition to a variety of plant species, there were several different species shrimp and fish.