Breeding Galaxy Rasboras

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Ghazanfar Ghori
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Post by Ghazanfar Ghori »

Aaron wrote:Everything I've read makes it sound as easy as breeding danios so hopefully that will be the case. I suspect it might be as there has been a significant drop in the price of these guys in the stores as of late.
What have you seen? If they're being bred - I'd like to get my hands on
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Post by Aaron »

I haven't actually seen anything. I've only read several other experiences such as the one Francine's friend had. Apparently, you can breed them as they you were breeding danios.
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Post by Judi »

There's a guy on the FishGeeks forum that has bred them; he says he has 15 fry. He says that in his experience, they are as easy to breed as danios. He used live foods for conditioning the adults, mostly brine shrimp. I think he had lots of java moss at the bottom of the tank, as non-spawning fish will eat the eggs. He bred them in somewhat soft, acid water, but states he has since learned that others have had greater success in moderately hard, slightly alkaline water.
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