Anubias "Gasser" & Langenandra meeboldii & thwaitsii & Crypt

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Anubias "Gasser" & Langenandra meeboldii & thwaitsii & Crypt

Post by Tyger »


Anubias "Gasser"

I have recently purchased several an Anubias "Gasser" though I can find precious little information on this ? species ?. I gather it is a hybrid created by the famous biologist (Gasser) though I can find no information on the crossed species or care. Of course, I figure knowing the crossed species would inform me as to care. Given the incredible expertise found here, I appeal to our members to help me out as much as possible with history, x-crossings, and care or suggested care. I did find several early posts on the rarity of this plant in 2008 and wish to tissue culture it which I am sure has long since been done... though little else came from searches save the occasional sale, pictures, etc.,.

Langenandra meeboldii & thwaitsii

I loved my langenandra meeboldi, which was a beautiful addition to my tank until either the swords and/or plecos began to nibble on the leaves creating holes... given the slower growth rate it was only a matter of time. I have seen swords occasional snap at a plant and plecos hang - whose guilty - anyone have experiences with either...? In addition, I was wondering whether anyone in GWAPA grows these species? I would like to add the species back into the aquarium after removing the offending fish.


When I joined GWAPA, I was not a big fan of crypts until I saw the c. nurii grown by Ghazanfar. I loved the c. nurii with pleasing coloration and compact size. I visited his website to read about culturing process and found other beautiful crypts... in the meantime, the c. nurii obtained at our auction rooted and produced numerous daughter planets... and, now, I must confess, I really love crypts. It is, of course, entirely the fault of Ghazanfar! In any case, I have added the c. nevill (GWAPA Auction), multitudes of c. parva (kindness of Aaron), and three c. noritio (GWAPA auction) to the collection coupled with c. albida, c. beckettii, c. pontedriifolia, and c. undulata (first... a purchase and the rest a kindness of a seller in Florida). In this regard, I have become interested in adding to the collection. I am open to suggestions and would be happy to add some of the rare species.

Emersed Growth

I am considering an emersed set-up using a nice 25-Gallon aquarium with a glass lid to seal in most of the moisture and would like to grow crypts and langenandra. I was wondering where I might find a good guide for doing so.

Thanks, in advance,

Michael (Tyger)
~Tyger (Michael)~
Annapolis, MD
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Re: Anubias "Gasser" & Langenandra meeboldii & thwaitsii & C

Post by krisw »

While Karen was here... she, Cavan, and I were actually discussing the Anubias sp. 'Gasser' that Florida Aquatic Nurseries maintains. The definitive answer to your question of origin could probably be best be answered by Brandon or Brad McLane if you're able to get in contact with him through their website. Otherwise, he'll be at the AGA convention in November. That said, the three us were speculating that it's likely just a variant of Anubias barteri (like most of the Anubias in the hobby), not necessarily a hybrid cross. Regardless, care of this plant is the same as Anubias barteri, as it's an easy plant to keep.
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Re: Anubias "Gasser" & Langenandra meeboldii & thwaitsii & Crypt

Post by ddavila06 »

Bump for whoever bought the Anubia sp Gasser today
Damian Davila
"Fishes-up, chill, Plants too"
"so many plants, so little space!"
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