In the spirit of elections

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Ghazanfar Ghori
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In the spirit of elections

Post by Ghazanfar Ghori »

Election fever has gotten to me. In the spirit of the current elections,
here's my election speech.

You can seperate fact from fiction yourself - you should have had
enough practice from all the Macaca you've been hearing on the
media the last few weeks.


Friends, Romans, countrymen, online anonymous people, lend me your ears. I come to bury Ceas..uh..root tabs.

As many of you know, I've fairly heavily involved with GWAPA most of
the last four years. The club has come a long way since its meager
beginings, thanks to all the board members and the membership.
From the 3-4 person, 6 annual meetings from when I first joined,
we've gone to 12-14 person / 11 annual meetings. We've held
multiple workshops. Hosted the AGA convention. Built up the membership
base. It's been quite a journey thus far.

I'd like to lay out my agenda for the upcoming year.
If I am elected President, I promise to:

- Cut taxes.
- Increase the membership by various means, including holding atleast 2 major workshops.
- Invite speakers from around the country to speak at our club meetings.
Sample topics
- Aquarium Photography
- Aquascaping w/ emphasis on hardscapes.
- Arrange local speakers to speak at our club meetings.
Sample topics
- Lighting options
- Advanced trimming techniqes
- Run our club bank account from a record surplus to a record deficit.
- Get discount codes from online vendors for GWAPA members.
- Organize an Annual hardware group buy (for replacement lamps etc.)
- Organize plant box swaps w/ different clubs around the country.
- Invade a neighbouring aquarium club.
- Organize atleast one field trip - Florida here we come!
- Entertain any other ideas that may be popular and increase the number of votes I get.


I will guarantee everyone in the DC Metro area gathered here today, our great state, and even our great nation, that I will try my darndest to
make this upcoming year, the most fun filled year thus far for our members.

So pretend there is no opposition - and vote for me!
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Post by Ltrepeter2000 »

If I didnt know better you would be neck and neck with Webb and Allen since all they would have to throw at you is plants, besides they are too busy tearing each other apart to notice you slipping in the back.
Robert Peterson
"Mr. Sarcastic"

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Post by krisw »


And here's the smear tag line:
Mr. Ghori might claim to be a planted tank enthusiast, but then why would he have an equal number of reef tanks in his own home?
-This ad paid for by the association of real aquatic plant loving enthusiasists.
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Post by Aaron »

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Post by Jamie G »

INVADE !! he gets my vote
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Post by gnatster »

Run our club bank account from a record surplus to a record deficit.
Obviously a true governmental type
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Post by jerseyjay »

G for the president !!!

Well done and no brainer :!:
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