April Meeting

Friday, April 12th, 2024 at 8:51 am

On April 27th, GWAPA will have its next meeting at the YMCA in Reston, VA.  Our President Corey Wickliffe will be giving a talk about the Ferns in our Aquariums. Please note this meeting will start at 2 pm instead of 1 pm.

We will also be raffling off some donations from OASE and will also hold our regular monthly auction. Members and non-members are welcome!

Corey has 25 years working with naturalistic terrariums and paludariums – and a passion for biotopes. With previous experience in the zoo/aquarium displays and as a physical geographer she has explored various ecological niches that can fit within the confines of a glass tank. Ranging from rainforests to rivers, from fish to amphibians, she joined GWAPA to expand her knowledge into the art of aquascaping.

April 27th at 2:00pm

Reston YMCA
12196 Sunset Hills Rd
Reston, VA 20190